What Biden Really Did to Gold Star Families After Afghanistan Withdrawal

We all know that Joe Biden’s decision to essentially surrender to the Taliban in 2021 was a bad one. But it is his actions...

COVID-Vaxed Children Have Heart Scarring up to 1 Year After Being Injected

How many times did you hear Dr. Anthony Fauci or former CDC Director Rochelle Walensky say that the myocarditis induced by the vaccines was...

Fulton County DA to Face Her Own Trial

If you haven’t noticed, our legal system has had some major problems recently. First and foremost, it is being used as a political weapon...

GA School Board Fires First Teacher Over Banned Books

The position the Georgia School Board painted itself into is a very interesting one. Voting 4-3 along party lines, the board voted to fire...

Dick’s Blames Thieves for Getting Slammed and Going Down 20%

It turns out that stealing at Dick’s is causing shrinkage. Who knew... First reported on August 22nd, shares of the stock tumbled by 24% in...

Pentagon Begins Helping Military Recruits by Dumbing Exams Down

If you didn’t already know, US military recruitment is down. And so, in an effort to help, the Pentagon is trying to make entrance...

Trump’s #1 Priority After Winning the White House

It's no secret that former President Donald Trump has many plans that will come into play should he be reelected to the Oval Office....

Border Patrol Admits They Opened the Floodgates in AZ

If you’re anything like me, you probably think the situation at our southern border with Mexico couldn’t get much worse. But just wait… because...

Chicago Sues Car Manufacturers for Making Cars Too Easy to Steal 

In the latest edition of “you can’t make this stuff up,” Democratic Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson is suing two car manufacturers for their role...

Kentucky SF Vet Speaks Up for a Massive Change to Veterans Benefits Regulations

Many veterans aren’t comfortable talking about their time in uniform. The things they did, saw, and overheard stick with them forever. Nightmares, discomfort in...

Deep Breath…Mask Mandates are Reappearing

You’ve likely seen various institutions making headlines as they reintroduce mask mandates. Universities, hospitals, and more are bringing the COVID mandates back because of...

Kari Lake Contemplates 2024 Senate Run, and Democrats Are Freaking

Kari Lake has announced that she may jump in the race for Kyrsten Sinema’s US Senate seat before the end of the year. The...

Three US Marines Perish in Australian Training Mission Crash

On August 27th, around 0930, a United States Marine Corps V-22 Osprey crashed roughly 50 miles south of Darwin while conducting a training mission...

Musk Takes X in a New Direction – Prepare for Political Ads

Twitter once banned political ads. The reason was because it became about attacking the other candidates. That and many of the politicians were spreading...

Turns Out Legal Marijuana Can Keep 20% More Kids out of Foster Care

Researchers at Georgia College and State University conducted a study into the legalization of cannabis. They wanted to determine if it would “lessen stigma,...

FL Student Proves Violent People Will Still Inflict Harm Without a Gun

Despite the left’s frequent claims that violent attacks only happen because people have guns, many international cases of mass slayings, assaults with bats, and...

Biden Would Rather Talk About Ice Cream Than Politics

Have you noticed that whenever Biden speaks, it’s not really about anything political? If you listen to the conspiracy theorists, that’s because he’s not the...

McCarthy Might Not Be Speaker for Much Longer

It seems Republican Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy has found himself between what can only be described as a rock and a hard...

Sen Kennedy (R-LA) Drills Liberals Over Their Child Porn Books

Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) painted Illinois Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias into a corner about the decision to not only approve but endorse pornographic...