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Stuart Miles / shutterstock.com

This Will Only Make the RICO Case More Difficult for Fulton County

As you know, a RICO case is about to be tried in Fulton County, Georgia. But the possibility of it sticking is looking dimmer...
Consolidated News Photos / shutterstock.com

McCarthy Might Not Be Speaker for Much Longer

It seems Republican Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy has found himself between what can only be described as a rock and a hard...

Biden Would Rather Talk About Ice Cream Than Politics

Have you noticed that whenever Biden speaks, it’s not really about anything political? If you listen to the conspiracy theorists, that’s because he’s not the...
Ganka Trendafilova / shutterstock.com

FL Student Proves Violent People Will Still Inflict Harm Without a Gun

Despite the left’s frequent claims that violent attacks only happen because people have guns, many international cases of mass slayings, assaults with bats, and...
Andrey_Popov / shutterstock.com

Turns Out Legal Marijuana Can Keep 20% More Kids out of Foster Care

Researchers at Georgia College and State University conducted a study into the legalization of cannabis. They wanted to determine if it would “lessen stigma,...

Musk Takes X in a New Direction – Prepare for Political Ads

Twitter once banned political ads. The reason was because it became about attacking the other candidates. That and many of the politicians were spreading...
BeAvPhoto / shutterstock.com

Three US Marines Perish in Australian Training Mission Crash

On August 27th, around 0930, a United States Marine Corps V-22 Osprey crashed roughly 50 miles south of Darwin while conducting a training mission...
Consolidated News Photos / shutterstock.com

Kari Lake Contemplates 2024 Senate Run, and Democrats Are Freaking

Kari Lake has announced that she may jump in the race for Kyrsten Sinema’s US Senate seat before the end of the year. The...
Anna Tryhub / shutterstock.com

Deep Breath…Mask Mandates are Reappearing

You’ve likely seen various institutions making headlines as they reintroduce mask mandates. Universities, hospitals, and more are bringing the COVID mandates back because of...
New Africa / shutterstock.com

Kentucky SF Vet Speaks Up for a Massive Change to Veterans Benefits Regulations

Many veterans aren’t comfortable talking about their time in uniform. The things they did, saw, and overheard stick with them forever. Nightmares, discomfort in...
