Introducing Joe Biden: America’s third black president…
That is quite literally what a recently published opinion piece put out by The Hill claims.
According to author Juan Williams, a long-winded and leftist journalist, “Joe Biden is our third Black president,” the headline reads.
Now, if you’re anything like me, you laugh at this claim. For starters, Biden is clearly not black or remotely anything other than white. And secondly, we’ve only had one black president.
Of course, Williams thinks differently and tries to explain himself (rather poorly) for the rest of the article.
Naturally, he opens by explaining who the other two supposedly black presidents were.
One is quite obvious: Barack Obama was our first official Black president. Of course, Williams claims Obama was actually our second black president, as the Democrat in office before him, Bill Clinton, was our first.
Again, Clinton, like Biden, is not black in the slightest.
But according to Williams, he “broke new ground by elevating Black leaders and policies that helped Black people.” Or at least that’s how he was viewed at the time. Now, he’s not seen as quite so minority friendly.
Then begins Williams’ argument as to why Biden is black – and no, it’s not because he’s claimed “you ain’t black” if you can’t decide whether or not to vote for him.
.@JoeBiden: "If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black." @cthagod: "It don't have nothing to do with Trump, it has to do with the fact — I want something for my community." @breakfastclubam pic.twitter.com/endvWnOIV2
— America Rising (@AmericaRising) May 22, 2020
Number one is that Biden has appointed of color people like Kamala Harris, Lloyd Austin, and others to prominent positions. He’s also “achieved the lowest black unemployment rate on record,” which should be noted as a gift from former President Donald Trump.
He’s also cut student loan debt, which “disproportionately weigh on low-income students and a large share of black students.”
I remind you…
“Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids."
— Joe Biden, three years ago today pic.twitter.com/1B4S1zp0BC
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) August 8, 2022
But the most notable reason Biden is our third black president is nothing more than he’s not Trump.
“Biden often tells audiences they should not compare him to the Almighty but to the alternative,” with the alternative being Trump “and a GOP that is hostile to Black people and Black interests.”
So Biden isn’t just black; he’s blacker than you… Sorry, I’m laughing again.