If you’ve ever seen “Blast From the Past” with Brendan Fraser, you might already know what a Doomsday Prepper is.
The reality is that it’s a way to prepare for a post-apocalyptic world. However, your version of the end of the world may differ from others. Simply knowing that you have the supplies necessary to survive off-the-grid can be extremely reassuring.
There’s no way to know when we’d have to suddenly tap into our supply. Doomsday Preppers are ready for it all, whether it’s a nuclear war, a zombie apocalypse, a civil war, or even the collapse of the economy. Given the way that our country is headed, it’s probably a good thing to start prepping right away.
So, how do you get started? I’m glad you asked.
It starts with getting your home ready for where you’re going to store your supplies. If you have a basement, that is a great place – especially if it’s climate-controlled. If you have a bomb shelter, even better. Otherwise, your garage or hall closet can do nicely. However, be sure that the containers are easy to transport and can withstand a significant amount of damage.
Start off with two weeks’ worth of supplies. You can always add to it over time. The supplies should include everything from toilet paper to medicine to food products. Be sure that all of your food has a long expiration date. Things like canned goods and military MREs are great. Check your supplies regularly for expiration dates and update as needed.
Beyond food, consider water. You can collect rainwater or stock up on gallons of drinking water. Ideally, you should have at least 14 gallons of water on hand. Don’t assume you can get water if an emergency strikes because water sources could be contaminated.
A thorough first aid kit should be created so you can take care of the basics. If there are injuries, you need to handle most of them yourself. In the event of a true Doomsday, it may not be possible to get to a hospital. As such, build up a kit to include bandages, antiseptic wipes, gauze, adhesive tape, splints, latex gloves, and more.
All of your supplies should be ready to go at a moment’s notice. Some people have their supplies packed in containers on wheels, while others have a “bug out” bag so that they can strap it to their backs and “bug out” at any moment.
As you continue to Doomsday prep for more and more weeks at a time, you should also be learning a few survival tactics. Take a first aid class. Learn how to set up a tent. Focus on how to start a fire, how to fillet a fish, and more. It can also be advantageous to learn about growing a garden, decontaminating water, and other skills.
You should know how to work with every piece of gear that you have, including camp stoves, compasses, and anything else that you add to your collection of survival tools.
Ultimately, you need to be ready for anything – and there’s no telling how long your equipment and supplies will need to last.
If disaster strikes tomorrow, will you be ready? If the answer’s no, it might be time to start on your Doomsday Prepping.