Outlet Who Accused Young Chief’s Fan of Being Racist Goes Belly Up

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When a child is ever attacked, it’s always problematic. So it’s extremely nice to see that karma does, in fact, come around, and in this case, it didn’t take long.

You may remember that an elementary-aged boy was accused last November of being racist at an NFL game in Las Vegas. Holden Armenta, age nine, was seen dressed in Kansas City Chief’s apparel as well as a traditional Native American headdress and had his face painted half black, half red.

To be sure, Armenta was festive, but not more so than a great many other fans in the stadium rooting for their favorite team.
And yet, far-left sports news and opinion outlet Deadspin decided to attack the child, calling him racist, both black and Native Americans. Deadspin writer Carron J. Phillips wrote that the boy had “found a way to hate Black people and the Native Americans at the same time.”

Now, naturally, this didn’t exactly go over well with most of the country.

For starters, this is a nine-year-old child who, while he may be able to dress himself, would have likely gotten parental help in outfit ideas, the headdress, and certainly applying the face paint. So if you are going to go after anyone for supposedly being racist, maybe ‘pick on someone your own size,’ as the saying goes.

Secondly, it has become known that the image Deadspin used to charge the child with was “selectively edited.” Rather than showing the child’s full face, the photo, and words to describe him simply showed the black side, giving Phillps just enough credit to claim Armenta was wearing ‘black face.’

And then, to make matters worse, once the outlet was pressured to retract the article and attack, as well as be honest and apologize, they refused to do anything.

Well, eventually, they updated the story, claiming they were trying to draw attention to the NFL’s sordid past with racial issues.
This was all the apology the Armenta family ever got:

“Unfortunately, the article drew attention to the fan, though our intended focus was on the NFL and its checkered history on race, an issue which our writer has covered extensively for Deadspin.”

Naturally, the Armentas have since sued the outlet. But even more appropriate is the fact that the outlet was just recently sold off, according to a report put out by owner G/O Media. Additionally, not a single Deadspin employee will be retained by the new company.

“Spanfeller (CEO of G/O Media) said none of Deadspin’s existing staff will move over with the site as part of the deal, and the new owners (Europe’s Lineup Publishing) will ‘instead build a new team more in line with their editorial vision for the brand.’”

According to an Axios report, the decision was supposedly made “with investors in mind.” I’m not so sure.

To be clear, Deadspin has had its share of financial troubles over the last year or so. In fact, this will be the third round of cuts to take place in less than a year.

However, I have to believe that their harsh treatment of a mere child, and one who turned out to be Native American, had a large hand to play here.

Whether you believe this is karma or God working out justice, it’s enough to put a smile on my face. How about yours?