It’s the end of February, so as is customary, it was time for the President’s annual physical. Yet, unlike in years past, the physician charged with checking out Joe Biden was mysteriously absent from the press briefing about the exam. White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre spoke with the press about the exam. As members of the press corps brought up the lack of a cognition exam, Jean-Pierre seemed flabbergasted they would dare ask such a question.
The President doesn’t need a cognitive test. That is not my assessment, that is the assessment of the President’s doctor, that is also the assessment of his neurologist. He passes a cognitive test every day — every day — as he moves from one topic to another topic, understanding the granular level of these topics. You saw him talking about fighting crime today, tomorrow’s he’s going to the border.”
Leading the team (and absent from the brief) was Dr. Kevin O’Connor. In her words, he was “happy with how everything went,” with a “robust, comprehensive memo,” coming in the following days. When reporters asked about his whereabouts and availability, she suddenly found herself unable to speak. Responding more like a glitching robot than a human, she struggled to find a way to explain his absence and essentially refused to explain more about the doctor.
Her lies about the cognitive ability of President Biden should be exceptionally concerning to Americans everywhere. If his recent actions in the public eye and his slip-ups are being chalked up as a result of 70+ years of stuttering, then they need to explain his lack of presence when he was a Vice President.
More to the point, if the kind of behavior we have seen from him recently is acceptable, then we have a lot to worry about for your senior citizens who are being taken advantage of every day. Many of them show similar symptoms and are then swindled by criminals who essentially drain their retirement accounts in days. They often show similar symptoms to Biden, so if this is the pinnacle of health, we need to be very concerned.